Bibliography on Adaptive Logics:

Dissertations       [
Table of contents]
[And04]    [bibitem]
Agata Andrzejkowicz. Logiki adaptujace wieloznacznosc jako przyklad logik adaptatywnych (logics adapting ambiguity as examples of adaptive logics). Master’s thesis, University of Zielona Góra, 2004. Unpublished M.A. dissertation.

[Bae01]    [bibitem]
Tom Baelden. Niet-monotoon redeneren in de economie. logische en filosofische aspecten. Master’s thesis, Universiteit Gent, 2001. Unpublished M.A. dissertation.
Reconstruction of several non-monotonic logics, especially default logics, in terms of adaptive logics; articulation of the dynamic proof theory; applications to economy with special attention to ceteris paribus clauses.

[DC97]    [bibitem]
Kristof De Clercq. Reconstructie van een aantal niet-monotone logica’s aan de hand van een inconsistentie-adaptieve logica. Master’s thesis, Universiteit Gent, 1997. Unpublished M.A. dissertation.
Several non-monotonic logics are characterized in terms of inconsistency-adaptive logics. Several new adaptive strategies were devised to realize this.

[DC04]    [bibitem]
Kristof De Clercq. Logica in communicatie. Bijdragen vanuit vraaglogica en ‘belief revision’, steunend op adaptieve logica’s. PhD thesis, Universiteit Gent (Belgium), 2004. Unpublished PhD thesis.
Dutch version published as [DC05].

[D'H00]    [bibitem]
Isabel D’Hanis. Metaforen vanuit een taalfilosofisch, wetenschapsfilosofisch en logisch perspectief. Master’s thesis, Universiteit Gent, 2000. Unpublished M.A. dissertation.
Interesting contribution based on the philosophy of language, the philosophy of science, and logic. Starts the study of metaphors in terms of adaptive logics.

[Leu08]    [bibitem]
Bert Leuridan. Laws of Nature and Causality in the Special Sciences. A Philosophical and Formal Analysis. PhD thesis, Ghent University (Belgium), 2008. Unpublished PhD thesis.

[Lev00]    [bibitem]
Iddo Lev. Preferential systems for plausible non-classical reasoning. Master’s thesis, Department of Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, 2000. Unpublished M.A. dissertation.
Excellent comparative study of plausible non-monotonic consequence relations, paying ample attention to inconsistency-adaptive logics.

[Meh97]    [bibitem]
Joke Meheus. Wetenschappelijke ontdekking en creativiteit. Een poging tot theorievorming op basis van een conceptuele, methodologische en logische studie. PhD thesis, Universiteit Gent (Belgium), 1997. Unpublished PhD thesis.
A novel approach to scientific discovery and creativity is presented. It is shown that the irrational or at least non-logical flavour of the domain is overcome by appealing to adaptive logics. English version forthcoming as a book.

[Mor00]    [bibitem]
Laura Moroni. Superare l’inconsistenza: paraconsistent logic, inconsistency-adaptive logic, modal logic of belief. Master’s thesis, Universitá D.S. di Pavia, 2000. Unpublished M.A. dissertation.

[Nas02]    [bibitem]
Marek Nasieniewski. Logiki adaptujace sprzecznosc (Inconsistency adapting logics). Phd thesis, Chair of Logic, N.\ Copernicus University, Toru\’n, Poland, 2002.

[Van04]    [bibitem]
Guido Vanackere. Logica en het waardevolle in de wereld. De rol van adaptieve logica’s bij de constructie van theorieën. PhD thesis, Universiteit Gent (Belgium), 2004. Unpublished PhD thesis.
