A bibliography of texts on wasan in Western languages

Compiled by Albrecht Heeffer

Bréard, A. (2001). On mathematical terminology: culture crossing in nineteenth-century China. New Terms for New Ideas. Western Knowledge and Lexical Change in Late Imperial China. I. A. a. J. K. Michael Lackner. Leiden, Brill: 305-326.

Chin-Te Cheng, D. (1925). "The Use of Computing Rods in China." The American Mathematical Monthly 32(10): 492-499.

Coyaud, M. (1973). Initiation au japonais mathématique. Paris, Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières (Essonne), Association Jean-Favard pour le développement de al linguistique quantitative.

Fujisawa, R. (1900). Note on the Mathematics of the Old Japanese School. Comptes-rendu du deuxième congrès international des mathématiciens.

Fukagawa, H. (1987). "Algebraic curves in Japan during the Edo period." Historia Mathematica 14: 235-242

Fukagawa, H. (1997). "Symmetry in traditional Japanese Mathematics." Symmetry: Culture and Science 8(1): 24-54.

Fukagawa, H. a. D. P. Japanese Temple Geometry Problems. Winnipeg, Canada, Charles Babbage Research Center.

Fukagawa, H. J. F. R. (2002). Traditional Japanese mathematics problems of the 18th and 19th centuries. Singapore, SCT Pub.

Hayashi, T. (1905). "A brief history of the Japanese mathematics (part 1)." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 6: 296-361.

Hayashi, T. (1905). "A brief history of the Japanese mathematics (part 2)." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 7: 105-163.

Hayashi, T. (1905). "A list of Dutch books on mathematical sciences imported from Holland to Japan before the restoration in 1868." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde serie 2, 7: 232-238.

Hayashi, T. (1906). "The Conic Sections in the Old Japanese Mathematics." The American Mathematical Monthly 13(10): 171-181.

Hayashi, T. (1910). The "Fukudai"(伏题) and determinants in Japanese mathematics. Proceeding of the Tokyo Mathematico-Physical Society.

Hirabayashi, I. (2006). A Traditional Aspect of Mathematics Education in Japan Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions-A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West. K.-D. G. a. F. J. L.-R. Frederick K. S. Leung, Springer Netherlands. 9: 51-64.

Honda, S. j. (1982). Pre-Meiji works in the Library of Congress. A bibliography / Japanese mathematics. Washington Library of Congress.

Horiuchi, A. (1987). "La science calendérique de Takebe Katahiro (1664-1739)." Historia Scientiarum. International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan 33: 3-24.

Horiuchi, A. (1989). "Sur un point de rupture entre les traditions chinoise et japonaise des mathématiques." Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 42(4): 375-390

Horiuchi, A. (1994). Les mathématiques japonaises à l'époque d'Edo (1600-1868). Une étude des travaux de Seki Takakazu (?-1708) et de Takebe Katahiro (1664-1739), Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.

Horiuchi, A. (1996). Sur la recomposition du paysage mathématique japonais au début de l'époque Meiji. L'Europe mathématique: histoires, mythes, identités. Issu d'un colloque-satellite du Congrès Européen de Mathématiques. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.

Horiuchi, A. (1998). Les mathématiques peuvent-elles n'être que pur divertissement? Une analyse des tablettes votives de mathématiques à l'époque d'Edo. Du divertissement dans la Chine et le Japon anciens. ``Homo ludens Extrême-Orientalis". F. Martin. Saint-Denis, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes (PUV). 20: 135-156

Iyanaga, S. (1987). "Histoire de l'enseignement mathématique au Japan 1870-1970." Cahiers d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences 20: 63-69

Joshi, S. (1993). The Influence of Chinese Mathematical Arts on Seki Kowa, University of London. PhD.

Kai, M. (1986). The David Eugene Smith Collection of words in Japanese on Japanese mathematics. New York, The Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University.

Keiji, N. K. Y. (1988). "Shaping the Process of Unification: Technological Progress in Sixteenth- and

Seventeenth-Century Japan." Journal of Japanese Studies 14(1): 77-109.

Kikuchi, D. (1910). On the method of the Old Japanese School for finding the area of a circle. Proceedings of the Tokyo Mathematico-Physical Society.

Kobayashi, T. (1994). "Relationship between $\sqrt 2$ and $\pi$ in the early Wasan Texts. I." Sugakushi Kenkyu 142: 19-24.

Kobori, A. (1956). Les étapes historiques des mathématiques au Japon, Palais de la découverte, Paris Librairie du Palais de la découverte.

Komatsu, H. (2005). Zhu Shijie, the teacher of Seki and Takebe. XXII International Congress of History of Science, Beijing, 24-30 July 2005, Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Leung, F. K. S., Klaus-D. Graf and Francis J. Lopez-Real (2006). Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions-A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West, Springer Netherlands.

Libbrecht, U. (1973). Chinese mathematics in the thirteenth century: The shu-shu chiu-chang of Ch'in Chui-shao. Cambridge, Ma., MIT Press.

Martzloff, J.-C. (1987). Histoire des mathématiques chinoises. Paris, Masson.

Martzloff, J.-C. (1990). "A Survey Of Japanese Publications On The History Of Japanese Traditional Mathematics (Wasan) From The Last 30 Years." Historia Mathematica 17(4): 366-373.

Martzloff, J.-C. (1997). A History of Chinese Mathematics. New York, Springer.

Martzloff, J.-C. (1998). "Les sources chinoises des manuscrits astronomiques de Seki Takakazu ( ?-1708 ) " Daruma - Revue d'Etudes Japonaises 4: 63-78.

Michiwaki, Y. 道. "A note on sangaku of Echigo province I-IV."

Michiwaki, Y. 道. (1991). "On the Resemblace among India, Chinese and Japanese Old Mathematics." Arhat Vacana 3: 23-26.

Mikami, Y.  (1913). "The Development of Mathematics in China and Japan." Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen begründet von Moritz Cantor 30: 1-332.

Mikami, Y.  (1913). The development of mathematics in China and Japan, London : William & Norgate; Leipzig : B.G. Teubner ; New York: G.E. Stechert & Co.

Mikami, Y.  (1909). "Hatono Soha and the mathematics of Seki." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 9: 158-171.

Mikami, Y.  (1912-1913). "A Japanese Buddhist's View of the European Astronomy." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 10: 233-243.

Mikami, Y.  (1910). Mathematical papers from the Far East. Leipzig, B.G. Teubner.

Mikami, Y.  (1912-1913). "On an Astronomical Treatise Composed by a Portuguese in Japan." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 10(1): 61-74.

Mikami, Y.  (1914-1915). "On Mayeno's Description of the Parallelogram of Forces." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 11: 76-78.

Mikami, Y.  (1914). "On Shizuki's Translation of Keill's Astronomical Treatise." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 11(1): 1-19.

Mikami, Y.  (1909). "On the Dutch art of surveying as studied in Japan." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 9: 301-304.

Mikami, Y.  (1914). "On the Japanese Theory of Determinants." Isis 2(1): 9-36.

Mikami, Y.  (1909-1911). "Remarks on T. Hayashi's "Brief History of Japanese Mathematics" " Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 9: 373-386.

Mikami, Y.  (1909). "Some additions to my paper ‘On the Dutch Art of Surveying as Studied in Japan’." Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Serie 2, 9: 370-372.

Mikami, Y.  (1911). "The Teaching of Mathematics in Japan." The American Mathematical Monthly 18(6-7): 123-134.

Murata, T. (1974). Pour une interprétation de la destinée du Wasan. Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of the History of Sciences, Tokyo.

Murata, T. (1977). "L'etat actuel des recherches en histoire des mathématiques, au Japon." Japanese Studies in the History of Science 15: 21-36

Murata, T. (1980). "Wallis' Arithmetica infinitorum and Takebe's Tetsujutsu Sankei. What underlies their similarities and dissimilarities?" Historia Scientiarum. International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan 19(77-100).

Murata, T. (1987). "La naissance de la théorie des ensembles et son retentissement en France." Historia Scientiarum. International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan 31(1-24).

Murata, T. (1987). "Sur le ``Tetsujutsu Sankei'' de Takebe et comparaison avec ``Arithmetica Infinitorum'' de Wallis." Cahiers d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences 20: 11-23.

Murata, T. (1987). "Un traité heuristique japonais contemporain de Wallis et de Newton." Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli(36): 235-253.

Murata, T. (1997). "A comparison between Japanese and European mathematics in the 17th and 18th century." Acta Historica Leopoldina 27.

Murata, T. (1998). "Indigenous Japanese Mathematics Wasan." Journal of Japanese Trade and Industry.

Nagy, D. (1995). "WASAN (old japanese mathematics): Art and science." Symmetry: Culture and Science 6(3): 400-403.

Nakamura, K. (1994). "On the sprout and setback of the concept of mathematical ``proof'' in the Edo period in Japan: Regarding the method of calculating number $\pi$." Historia Scientiarum. International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan 3(3): 185-201.

Ogawa, T. (2001). "A Review of the History of Japanese Mathematics." Revue d'histoire des mathématiques 7(1): 137-155.

Ogura, K. N. I. (1993). Wasan : Japanese mathematics. Tokyo, Kodanha.

Okumura, H. (1990). "Configurations arising from the three circle theorem." Mathematics Magazine 63(2): 116-121.

Okumura, H. (1997). "Circle patterns arising from results in Japanese geometry." Symmetry: Culture and Science 8(1): 4-23.

Okumura, H. (1999). Mathematical study of wasan geometry. 4th international symposium on the history of mathematics and mathematics education using Chinese characters.

Okumura, H. (2001). "Japanese mathematics." Symmetry: Culture and Science 12(1-2): 79-86.

Ozone, J. M., Yoshimasa (1997). "Symmetry properties of tangent circles." Symmetry: Culture and Science 8(1): 58-67.

Ravina, M. (1993). "Wasan And The Physics That Wasnt, Mathematics In The Tokugawa-Period." Monumenta Nipponica 48(2): 205-224.

Rigby, J. (1997). "Circle problems arising from wasan." Symmetry: Culture and Science(1): 68-73

Rigby, J. (1997). "An incorrect sangaku conjecture." Symmetry: Culture and Science 8(1): 55-57.

Rigby, J. (2001). Some Western thoughts on traditional Japanese mathematics. 4th international symposium on the history of mathematics and mathematics education using Chinese characters.

Sasaki, C. (1999). "The French and Japanese schools of algebra in the seventeenth century: A comparative study." Historia Scientiarum. International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan 9(1): 17-26.

Sasaki, C. (2002). The emergence of the Japanese mathematical community in the modern western style, 1855-1945. Mathematics unbound: The evolution of an international mathematical research community, 1800-1945, Charlottesville, VA., American Mathematical Society.

Sato, K. i. (1995). "Reevaluation of Tengenjutsu or Tianyuanshu: In the Context of Comparison between China and Japan." Historia Scientiarum. International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan 5(1): 57-68.

Shigeru, J. (2000). The dawn of wasan (Japanese mathematics). Mathematics across cultures. The history of non-western mathematics. H. U. D. A. Selin, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Smith, D. E. (1911). How the native Japanese mathematics is considered in the West.

Smith, D. E. Y., Mikami (1914). A history of Japanese mathematics. Chicago, Open Court punlications.

Suzuki, F. (2001). "An Equilateral Triangle with Sides through the Vertices of an Isosceles Triangle." Mathematics Magazine 74(4): 304-310.

Suzuki, T. (1999). "Obituary: An obituary notice of Dr. Hirayama Akira (1904--1998)." Historia Scientiarum. International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan 8(3): 265-272.

Suzuki, T. (2000). "Silent history of Japanese traditional mathematics. Who is Takahara Yoshitane?" Scientiae Mathematicae. Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences 8(3): 377-384.

Swienciki, L. W. (1992). Math of Japan. San Jose, Calif, Swienciki, Lawrence W.

Tachovich, J. (1977). Wasan and Yōsan : the line between scientific universality and culture.

Takenouchi, O., Ed. (1999). Studies on the history of mathematics. Proceedings of a symposium held at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, May 9--11, 1999. Kyoto, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University.

Tanaka, S. K., A.; Sato, N. (1998). "The fan problem and its history in the Japanese mathematics." Gurukula Kangri Vijñana Patrika Aryabhata 1(1): 15-24.

Tarnai T, M. K. (2003). "Circle packings and the sacred lotus." Leonardo 36(2): 145-150.

Ueno, K. (2006). From Wasan to Yozan. Comparison between Mathematical Education in the Edo Period and the One after the Meiji Restoration. Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions-A Comparative Study of East Asia and the West. K.-D. G. a. F. J. L.-R. Frederick K. S. Leung, Springer Netherlands. 9: 65-79.

Ukai, N. (1994). "The Kumon Approach to Teaching and Learning." Journal of Japanese Studies, 20(1): 87-113.

Yanagihara, K. (1913). "On some geometrical propositions in Wasan, the Japanese native mathematics." The Tohoku Mathematical Journal 3: 87-95.

Yanagihara, K. (1918). "On the Dajutu or the arithmetic series of higher orders as studied by wasanists." The Tohoku Mathematical Journal 14: 305-324.