BiBfile on Adaptive Logics:

Dissertations       [
Table of contents]
author =       {Agata Andrzejkowicz},
title =        {Logiki adaptuj{\c{a}}ce wieloznaczno{\'{s}}{\'{c}} jako przyk{\l}ad logik adaptatywnych
               (Logics adapting ambiguity as examples of adaptive logics)},
school =       {University of Zielona G{\'{o}}ra},
year =         {2004},
note =         {Unpublished M.A. dissertation} }

author =       {Tom Baelden},
title =        {Niet-monotoon redeneren in de economie.
               Logische en filosofische aspecten},
school =       {Universiteit {G}ent},
year =         {2001},
note =         {Unpublished M.A. dissertation},
annote =       {info} }

author =       {De Clercq, Kristof},
title =        {Reconstructie van een Aantal Niet-Monotone Logica's aan de Hand
               van een Inconsistentie-Adaptieve Logica},
school =       {Universiteit Gent},
year =         {1997},
note =         {Unpublished M.A. dissertation},
annote =       {info} }

author =       {De Clercq, Kristof},
year =         {2004},
title =        {Logica in communicatie. {B}ijdragen vanuit vraaglogica en `belief revision',
               steunend op adaptieve logica's},
school =       {Universiteit Gent (Belgium)},
note =         {Unpublished PhD thesis},
annote =       {info} }

author =       {Isabel D'Hanis},
title =        {Metaforen vanuit een taalfilosofisch,
               wetenschapsfilosofisch en logisch perspectief},
school =       {Universiteit Gent},
year =         {2000},
note =         {Unpublished M.A. dissertation},
annote =       {info} }

author =       {Bert Leuridan},
title =        {Laws of Nature and Causality in the Special Sciences. A Philosophical and Formal Analysis},
year =         {2008},
note =         {Unpublished PhD thesis},
school =       {Ghent University (Belgium)} }

author =       {Iddo Lev},
title =        {Preferential Systems for Plausible Non-Classical Reasoning},
school =       {Department of Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University},
year =         {2000},
note =         {Unpublished M.A. dissertation},
annote =       {info} }

author =       {Joke Meheus},
year =         {1997},
title =        {Wetenschappelijke ontdekking en creativiteit.
               {E}en poging tot theorievorming op basis van een conceptuele,
               methodologische en logische studie},
school =       {Universiteit Gent (Belgium)},
note =         {Unpublished PhD thesis},
annote =       {info} }

author =       {Laura Moroni},
title =        {Superare l'inconsistenza: paraconsistent logic,
               inconsistency-adaptive logic, modal logic of belief},
school =       {Universit{\'{a}} D.S. di Pavia},
year =         {2000},
note =         {Unpublished M.A. dissertation},
annote =       {info} }

author =       {Marek Nasieniewski},
title =        {Logiki adaptuj{\c{a}}ce sprzeczno{\'{s}}{\'{c}} (Inconsistency adapting logics)},
school =       {Chair of Logic},
year =         {2002},
type =         {PhD thesis},
address =      {N.\ Copernicus University, Toru{\'{n}}, Poland} }

author =       {Guido Vanackere},
year =         {2004},
title =        {Logica en het waardevolle in de wereld.
               {D}e rol van adaptieve logica's bij de constructie van theorie{\"{e}}n},
school =       {Universiteit Gent (Belgium)},
note =         {Unpublished PhD thesis},
annote =       {info} }
